根據 勞工統計局 (BLS),2017年和2018年,至少有一部分時間在家工作的美國工人比例約為25%。換句話說,大約四分之一的受僱美國人在家庭辦公室外工作。
但是,您不必為有進取心的雇主而工作,以利用在家工作的趨勢。您的目標是否是建立可持續發展的 被動收入流 或者只是賺一些額外的錢來補充您的兼職或全職收入,所有您需要 在家里工作 是一台計算機,一個安靜的空間,強烈的職業道德以及願意遵循這些簡單明了的指導原則 居家辦公 更有效率。
專家提示:如果您打算開辦一家小生意或小型企業,請確保您擁有正確的工具。首先通過以下方式設置LLC LegalZoom。這將有助於將您的企業資產與個人資產分開。接下來,通過開設一個商業支票賬戶 Novo (使用新帳戶將獲得25美元的獎金)。最後, 新鮮書,這是一種基於雲的會計軟件,可讓您為客戶開具發票並跟踪所有費用。
以下是各種賺取額外收入,獲得第二份工作,開展全職個人職業或 開辦自己的小生意 –全部來自您自己的家中。其中一些機會是建立在沒有經濟利益的情況下可能已經追求的興趣之上的;你會發現很多 本文 來自創收追求的熱門趨勢指南。
此外,儘管從技術上講,他們沒有資格 工作 在家中的機會,因此下面不做詳細介紹。要知道,省錢的瀏覽器插件例如 Wikibuy 可以幫助您找到每天在網上購買的商品的較低價格–就像增加現金一樣,為預算增加了喘息的空間。
只是要注意避免困擾 在家工作騙局 實際上可能會花錢。
您的博客之旅始於一個想法。對於您的博客來說,這是一個決定成敗的早期決定-如果它不是完全獨特的,那麼您的想法至少必須比競爭對手的想法更鮮明,更具吸引力。您應該知道博客的主題很冷-最好是從個人經驗或正規培訓中獲得-並且可以流暢地撰寫有關它的內容。隨著時間的流逝,您可能會在這些幫助下收緊寫作過程,並在更短的時間內製作出優質的內容 快速博客提示。
接下來是細節:選擇和購買Web域,託管和設計您的網站以及計劃內容。儘管在發布第一篇文章之前需要進行很多工作,但要抵制偷工減料的誘惑。希望您為長期的努力奠定了基礎。創建了優質網站並建立了關注者之後, 博客賺錢的方法。
專家提示:您可以通過購買主機託管 藍主機 每月費用不到$ 5,並且您將在第一年獲得免費域名。
- 調查迷。 調查迷 是一個受歡迎的在線調查網站,有很多調查機會。您每次成功完成調查都會獲得積分,一旦達到1,000點($ 10),就可以兌現您的帳戶餘額。
- 美國消費者意見。 美國消費者意見 每月向用戶發送一次篩查調查,每個季度向用戶發送大約一份全長調查。篩選調查的費用低於全長調查的費用-每次不超過$ 0.50。全長調查每次最多可支付$ 50。
- 意見前哨站。與美國消費者意見書相比,通常有更多的機會 意見前哨站。但是,整體收益率較低。
- Swagbucks。 Swagbucks 提供了多種在線賺取額外收入的機會,包括付費調查。狹targeted的,耗時的調查可以很好地支付費用,但是一些更基本的機會(只需花一兩分鐘即可完成)幾乎沒有錢。在我們的網站中了解更多關於Swagbucks的信息 Swagbucks評論。
線上 專門小組 與在線調查密切相關,在某些情況下,由同一公司進行管理。像面對面的焦點小組一樣,在線焦點小組比在線調查需要更多的時間和精力。配置各不相同,但是您通常必須每週加入一個小組,每週或每月參與一定數量的問題。在線焦點小組通常比在線調查更具選擇性-如果您不符合特定的人口統計或收入標準,則可能沒有資格。
結果:薪水要好得多,獎品和免費物品的機會也更好。通過努力,您可以獲得每月$ 500甚至更多的現金或實物獎勵。
虛擬 補習 是一種通過分享您的主題專業知識來賺錢的更個人的方式。在線課程不但一次可供數十個甚至數百個付費客戶使用,而補習課程通常是一對一的事務。但是,您可以在日程安排允許的範圍內容納盡可能多的學生。
尋找在線輔導工作的最佳場所是專門專注於輔導的平台,例如 教育至上, 貴賓和 切格。兩者都根據教師選擇的科目設置固定的每小時或每節課的費用-例如,計算機科學教師的收入通常比英語教師高。 Chegg的導師起薪為每小時20美元,聲稱多產的導師每月可賺取1,000美元以上。在註冊之前,請確保您的計算機滿足您所選平台的系統要求–您將需要相當快的處理器和實時視頻聊天功能。在大多數情況下,您還需要獲得TEFL認證,可以通過 總理英語。
在捲起袖子並通過個人或專業技能獲利之前,為什麼不清理空間來賺錢呢?賣掉不需要的東西是一種很好的方法 縮小和整理 您的生活,同時獲得一些收入。如果您要轉為全職在家工作,這筆收入可以幫助您創造適當的收入 在家辦公 或讓您在經濟低迷時期維持自己的生活方式。
- 易趣。 易趣 是世界上最受歡迎的網站之一。這意味著這是一種快速吸引大量眼球到您不需要的物品上的絕佳方法。最初是作為DIY賣家的拍賣場而設計的,現在主要是由專業商人以固定價格(通常是打折)出售的場所。只要您在產品清單中包括高品質的照片和詳盡的說明,就可能突破噪音。 eBay的收費時間表很複雜,但通常來說,預計會損失您最終銷售價格的10%給該網站的佣金。
- 亞馬孫。許多人沒有意識到 亞馬孫 是第三方賣家清理閣樓和車庫的天堂。如果您計劃每月在亞馬遜上出售40件以上的商品,請考慮註冊為專業賣家。您需要每月支付大約40美元的訂閱費,通常為6%到20%的推薦費,以及媒體項目的每個項目的結束費用。但是,您無需支付每筆商品的銷售費用。或者,您可以註冊為個人賣家。收費時間表與專業人士相同,除了您必須支付銷售費用且不必支付訂閱費用。
- Craigslist。 Craigslist 是主要的在線轉售選項中最草率的。它的主要優勢是誘人的獲利潛力,這歸功於大多數物品完全沒有上市和銷售費用。缺點很多,包括 潛在的安全風險 以及更高的未付款機會。如果您選擇Craigslist,請保持智慧,並使用夥伴系統。
- 以舊換新(轉售)市場。還有很多其他地方可以在線銷售您的商品,尤其是電子商品。受歡迎且信譽良好的在線轉售市場包括 SellCell, 羚羊和 MaxBack。主要零售商,例如 百思買 以及廣泛的以舊換新計劃,以及諸如 威瑞森 和 美國電話電報公司。 十進制,一種混合選項,削減了中間商,並聲稱可以為不需要的技術產品提供更好的價值。
遵循這些 成功出售車庫的技巧:
- 設定熱門時間和日期。大多數車庫銷售都發生在周末,這是有充分理由的-那是大多數人外出的時候。為了最大限度地提高您的曝光率,請考慮在一個漫長的周末進行為期三天的活動。如果您生活在寒冷的氣候中,請等到天氣變暖為止。
- 確保您合法。設置銷售之前,請確保在您所在社區進行銷售是合法的。您很有可能需要許可證,但是獲得許可證通常是一種手續,很少需要大量的財務投資。
- 在本地刊登廣告。在當地適當的地點宣傳您的車庫銷售:城市的Craigslist頁,社區社交媒體網站(例如 隔壁,您當地的報紙(在線和印刷)以及任何相關的本地出版物,例如社區印刷報紙或雜誌。
- 張貼標誌。不要以為每個潛在買家都會使用導航應用找到到達您所在地的方式。在您周圍附近的可見位置貼上指示牌,將人們引導到您的地址,最好是在通往您的街道的主要道路上以及您家附近的多個街道拐角處。
- 研究費用和設定合理的起始價格。在為每件商品設定價格之前,請研究您當地的Craigslist網站和附近的院子銷售,以了解如何定價。請記住,許多買家會努力討價還價,因此將價格設定為略高於最低價,但不會高到您會嚇跑第一次競標的價格。根據經驗,大約高出10%到15%。考慮將低價值的物品(例如舊CD)打包成五個或十個。
- 適應多種付款方式。許多尋求交易的人都攜帶現金,但是您想容納每個潛在的買家。因此,在活動開始前的幾天裡,請考慮購買可以接受信用卡的銷售點系統。 廣場 是一種流行且相對划算的選擇。它不需要任何前期費用和捆綁銷售 信用卡處理 費用分成一項相對較低的費用:每筆交易收取2.6%的費用加上0.10美元的費用,每100美元的費用淨額為97.30美元。要捕獲不斷增長的無現金消費人群,這是一個很小的代價。在交易的前一天,去銀行取100美元的小額鈔票和硬幣卷,以確保您有足夠的零錢供那些喜歡現金的買家使用。
從高中,大學生到退休人士,無數美國人從 自由職業者 寫作。如果您有話語,寫博客文章和網絡複製是增加全職收入的簡單而有趣的方法。
- 創建家庭辦公空間。首先,第一件事:您需要一個專業的設置來幫助而不是阻礙您的勘探活動和寫作工作。如果您還沒有,請設置一個家庭辦公室-從備用臥室到客廳角落的任何地方-配備舒適的椅子,寬敞的書桌,充足的照明設備和用於存放紙張的物理存儲空間。購買具有可靠的文字處理套件(如Microsoft Word)的可靠筆記本電腦,並通過Skype或Microsoft提供視頻聊天功能 基於雲的電話系統。強烈考慮投資打印機。升級到Internet服務提供商提供的最快的消費者Internet軟件包。購買輕便 雲會計程序 如 快速手冊 或註冊免費版本。一旦擁有多個客戶,就將需要它。請注意,許多與業務相關的費用符合 減稅。
- 從自由撰稿平台開始。當我開始以自由作家的身份工作時,我震驚地發現有多少 自由寫作工作 可供服用。您可以在數十個知名網站上找到工作,這些網站來自通用的自由職業者平台,例如 上班 到只寫門戶,例如 文本經紀人。這些演出的收入並不豐厚,例如,入門作家在Textbroker上每個單詞的收入僅略高於0.01美元。而且寫作通常是單調的:許多產品說明,廣告文案,新聞稿和一次性博客文章。但是,它們非常適合入門,學習編輯對自由作家的期望,並從整體上成為更好的作家。
- 建立投資組合。除非您在諸如法律或會計等受歡迎的利基市場中非常幸運或有證書的專家,否則您的第一份自由撰稿工作可能不會帶有旁注。但這並不意味著您不能在客戶許可下將您的早期作品添加到寫作作品集中。您製作的作品越多,向客戶展示產品線的品種就越豐富。隨著您的投資組合的增長,請使用專業的網站或內容營銷平台,例如 內容上 公開展示。
- 成為查詢機。在自由撰稿平台上建立起信心並建立起適當的投資組合之後,請尋找能積極為作家做廣告的公司-傳統出版物和具有明顯內容需求的公司,例如公關公司。對技巧和個性化查詢字母進行一些研究,查詢字母本身就是一種藝術形式。然後,開始向符合您的寫作風格和知識庫的博客,雜誌,日報和其他內容渴望的組織發送查詢。如果您要查找按部就班的工作,則每個查詢都應為單個文章或文章系列添加清晰的間距。對於幕後演出,例如代筆廣告文案或新聞稿,請壓縮並傳達您的價值主張。不要無所事事。這是一個數字遊戲,更多的查詢將被忽略。
- 堅持專業。即使您只是想每週掙幾美元,也要以與申請職業職位相同的一致性和專業性來從事自由作家的演出。客戶尊重勤奮可靠的作家,他們會按自己的意願去做,在他們會做的時候做,並定期製作超出期望的作品。如果您堅持不懈地討價還價,客戶應該給您更多的工作來回報您。當您變得更加忙碌時,可以放心將那些不欣賞您的努力的人留在塵土中。
- 知道要收費(以及何時要收費)。 設定自由寫作率 臭名昭著的挑戰。您的工作價值取決於許多因素,包括您的寫作風格和質量,利基,主題優勢和專業資格,研究技能,生產速度以及按時工作的能力。根據經驗,持牌專業人員(例如律師,註冊會計師和醫師)可以向非專家收取高於平均水平的寫作技能費用。但是,不要以為您的收入潛力是一成不變的。隨著您在細分市場中獲得技能和熟悉度,或滿足個別客戶的需求,並且您的專業知名度不斷提高,您將對現有和未來的客戶變得越來越有價值。
- 通過可執行合同保護自己。您不必是律師即可起草可執行的自由合同。您只需要找到一個合法的 自由合同模板 並對其進行修改以供您使用。只要您仔細閱讀客戶提供的合同,就可以使用它,如果有必要,可以提出一些棘手的問題,如有疑問,請尋求律師的建議。
一旦您的現有客戶群已不復存在,請查看在線工作板(例如Upwork)以及特定於媒體的平台(例如) Mediabistro。聯機編輯作業的常見類型包括:
- 複製編輯器。拷貝編輯人員要確保書面拷貝在老闆被“發布”之前被打磨,並經常作為與撰稿人聯繫的主要點。儘管報酬不是特別高,但是複制編輯通常是獲得更豐厚的編輯或製作機會的跳板。
- 助理編輯。助理編輯監督複製編輯,照片編輯,作家和其他參與製作數字出版物的支持人員。較大的博客和在線印刷雜文通常至少要有一名助理編輯。這些演出可以是兼職或全職。它們通常介於副本編輯和管理編輯作業之間。
- 總編輯。執行編輯監督和指導編輯團隊,包括較低級別的編輯。這些工作比較難找,需要更多的時間,但是臨時安排對您的簡歷看起來不錯。如果您缺乏很多正式的編輯經驗,則從預算適中且內容需求有限的小型博客和利基出版物開始。某些出版物的專職編輯工作量不足,因此很難將一些兼職編輯工作組合在一起,或者嘗試一個職位來看看它是否適合您。
- 照片編輯器/網頁編輯器。照片和Web編輯器可以創建或編輯在網站和其他數字媒體(如白皮書和公司報告)上顯示的視覺效果。這是鍛煉您的視覺技能並熟悉佈局和編輯程序(例如, 夸克, WordPress的和 的Photoshop。這些演出通常需要基本到中級的編碼技能,因此非常適合希望將專業知識擴展到書面文字之外的自由職業者。
- 手稿編輯。尋找長期合作關係?自出版的繁榮對稿件編輯產生了空前的需求,他們是專家,他們可以幫助作家在出版前整理和精讀整本書籍。根據客戶的預算,稿件編輯可能會有利可圖,儘管您可能需要花費一些時間來建立自己的聲譽,直到與優秀作家合作。入門級的機會在著名的自由職業者平台和利基出版社中比比皆是。
自由職業者校對者與自由作家和編輯者俱有相同的技能和能力,但是他們的職業道路截然不同。剛開始從事自由校對遊戲的人(即使具有先前的寫作或編輯經驗)入門的最佳方法是投資於校對課程,以建立潛在雇主的信譽。 隨時隨地校對 是一個很好的例子。使用免費的入門模塊,如果您認為演出不適合您,則沒有義務。
您可以自己處理所有這些義務,也可以將許多繁重的工作外包給寵物坐便平台,例如 流浪者。可以將Rover想像成寵物看守的Airbnb,這是一個可擴展的平台,可以處理運行盈利的家庭式企業的許多幕後工作,而無需微觀管理您的工作。羅孚聲稱其寵物保姆每月可賺取1,000美元,儘管實際收入會因客戶數量和您投入業務的時間而有所不同。
由於簿記是一個競爭激烈的行業,可以獎勵擁有良好聲譽的熟練專業人員,因此,闖入該業務的最可靠方法是投資於認證課程。例如, 簿記員 在學習交易和建立業務的各個階段為簿記員提供了三種不同的途徑(“社區”)。如果需要的話,可以通過Bookkeeper Launch學習繩索,然後進入Bookkeeper Lab和Bookkeeper Elite。
那就是零售套利,其中之一 內向型個體的頂尖職業。零售套利的從業者在拍賣會上從在線零售商,甚至在車庫和院子里以美分價格購買產品,然後以有時高額的價格在線出售它們。 亞馬遜物流(FBA) 是最受美國賣家歡迎的平台,但其他選擇也可以使用。通過這種低成本了解FBA繩索 Udemy課程。
- 記錄您的工作。如果您已經寫過一本書,則可以將其轉化為有聲讀物,從而利用全新的收入來源。不一定要在錄製中成為您的聲音。實際上,除非您有配音或廣播經驗,否則最好聘請訓練有素的配音演員。信譽良好的平台,例如 交流 通常具有較低的生產成本和創新的版稅分配方案,可以最大程度地提高權利人(作者)的收入潛力。檢查一下 出版者周刊 有關平台選項的列表。
- 記錄他人的作品。如果您是訓練有素的配音演員或解說員,或者您認為自己有能力進入利基市場,則可以使用ACX和其他渠道找到有聲讀物錄製工作。您需要為每個角色進行試鏡,但是一旦您找到了演出,您將可以通過兩種方式賺錢:以商定的每小時實際工作時薪以及與權利持有人和其他參與其中的人共享特許權使用費生產。如果您是工會演員(SAG-AFTRA),則需要按每完成小時(大約兩個工作室小時)收取最低費用(可變,但高於$ 200)。如果使用10個小時的有聲讀物,則在獲得提成前的最低發薪日為2,000美元。
倡導組織,例如 NextWave倡導 和 DDC公共事務 招募並支付精通溝通的外派團隊成員,以解決由客戶(私人公司,非營利組織,貿易組織和遊說團體)提出的政治問題方面的支持。涉及的工作類型包括:
- 協調與選民的電話和電子郵件聯繫
- 組織信訪活動
- 激發對公眾意見徵詢期的回應
- 激活中小型企業成分
Advocacy organizations generally have full-time core teams that work on-site in state capitals or Washington, D.C. At-home opportunities are typically project-based and may require substantial time commitments – up to and perhaps more than 40 hours per week.
Depending on the nature of the job, the pay can be modest – $10 to $20 per hour. However, if you’re looking to launch a career in political organizing, these gigs can get your foot in the door. Note that they involve advocating for a wide range of causes, so they can potentially put people with deeply held beliefs in awkward positions.
12. Classes & Webinars: Sell Your Expertise (Part 2)
Online surveys and focus groups are great for regular folks who want to share their opinions and influence companies’ decision-making processes. But what about folks who have bona fide subject matter expertise – or, at least, above-average skills in a sought-after discipline?
You don’t have to snag an adjunct professorship at your local university to share your knowledge with your peers and earn some cash in the process. Thanks to the magic of the Internet, you can cut out the middleman and teach classes directly to lifelong learners without leaving the house. Here’s what you should keep in mind to begin and maintain a successful at-home teaching enterprise:
- Credibility。 Selling your expertise works best when you have some credibility. In many verticals, formal credentials are a near-necessity. Students signing up for a class on online tax preparation want to learn from a CPA. Entrepreneurs looking for the inside track on small-business law want to hear from a lawyer or serial entrepreneur.
- Venue。 When you’re first starting out, choose reputable, high-visibility venues for your classes. Don’t expect students to find their way to your personal or professional website before you’ve built a reputation for yourself. Udemy is a great option for budding at-home teachers looking to earn real money from their work. YouTube is another viable option, though you can’t directly charge people to watch your YouTube videos. You’ll need to monetize them indirectly (we explain how in Section 12.)
- Topic and Structure。 It’s not enough to select a popular vertical. You need a compelling topic and a tight structure for each class. After all, everyone wants to learn how to code, but you can’t teach every popular program language in an hour. Build your curriculum around interesting, high-demand topics within your niche. Use real-life examples, hands-on exercises, and attractive graphics (whiteboards work well) whenever possible.
- Pricing and Deals。 As with any professional pursuit, you need to know how much your teaching skills are worth and price them accordingly. Unfortunately, at-home teaching is a competitive business, so you’re likely to find someone who charges less for similar work. Ways to get around this include multi-course discounts, package deals, and complimentary products or information for early sign-ups.
- Promotion。 You don’t need to buy digital ads to promote your classes, but it’s definitely worth your while to drum up support by email – sending out targeted blasts to your professional and personal networks – and social media accounts. As you gain students, reputable platforms like Udemy will boost your visibility, doing some of the hard promotional work for you. However, you must opt into its extensive course marketing network。
13. Question Marketplaces: Sell Your Expertise (Part 3)
The Internet is full of questions. If you’re knowledgeable and unbiased, you could earn money by answering them.
Online question marketplaces pay verified experts to answer questions posed by community members. If you’re particularly knowledgeable about a specific subject or discipline, you could earn a respectable side income simply by sharing your factual insights.
One of the most reputable and lucrative online question marketplaces is JustAnswer。 JustAnswer’s verticals include health, home improvement, cars, law, business, tech, pets, and homework. For most verticals, you need relevant official credentials, such as a law or accounting degree.
Pay varies by vertical but seems to be pretty generous. JustAnswer claims you can earn upward of $35 per hour – and sometimes significantly more – if you’re an expert in a high-demand subject. Your work volume depends on the quality of your answers and the volume of questions users are asking, so you may not find as much work as you expect at first. Still, JustAnswer is ripe for multitasking, making it a perfect work-from-home opportunity.
Other options include Wonder, which doesn’t require formal credentials. Wonder is cagey about how much it pays, but client pricing starts at about $40 per completed query, so it’s likely contributors see at least half that figure. However, Wonder appears to have lower question volumes than JustAnswer, limiting your income potential.
14. Paid Search: Sell Your Search Queries
You could earn small but meaningful sums from the same online searches you no doubt conduct every day, thanks to a slew of websites and plug-ins that track your searches and pay you for each completed query.
Paid search queries aren’t nearly as lucrative as expert-answer platforms such as JustAnswer. It’s rare to get more than a few cents for a single search. However, since you can complete hundreds of searches in an hour, the income potential is real. Popular, reputable options include:
- InboxDollars。 InboxDollars is one of the Internet’s first legitimate at-home money-making websites. Paid search is just one of the many ways to earn a few extra bucks on the side with this site. And InboxDollars pays hard cash, a major advantage over some competitors. Learn more about Inboxdollars by reading our InboxDollar review。
- Swagbucks。 Swagbucks is an InboxDollars competitor with a slew of online money-making opportunities, including paid search. Searches earn Swagbucks, an on-site loyalty currency you can redeem for gift cards and other items.
- Qmee。 Qmee is a browser plug-in that pays you to search for specific partner brands. You get even more via cash-back rebates when you buy stuff from these brands, but there’s no obligation to spend any money.
15. Paid Social Posts: Get Paid to Tweet, Post, Pin, & Share
You don’t need millions of followers to become a social media influencer. You just need to follow the basic rules of social media etiquette and find a reputable platform that pays you to share sponsored content from its clients or promote affiliate products.
Pay-per-tweet platforms such as PaidPerTweet can get you started, but they’re not the most lucrative options out there. Unless you have tens of thousands of Twitter followers, you won’t make more than a few bucks per tweet on Paid Per Tweet – and that assumes you’ll find paying clients whose buyer bases align with your follower base.
If you’re serious about making real, sustainable money on social media, try either of these strategies:
- YouTube Partner Program。 The YouTube Partner program empowers YouTube channel operators to monetize certain types of videos. Finding paying advertisers is hard work, and you need a sizable following before you can find companies willing to pay for direct or indirect promotion. Plus, your videos must meet YouTube’s monetization criteria, which ban explicit or copied content. Pay potential is directly proportional to the size of your channel following and, to a lesser extent, audience demographics.
- Affiliate Marketing。 Affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize your blog or website, but it can also generate income from your social media properties. (Many affiliate marketers do both.) ClickBank is a good place to start. Pay is directly proportional to your follower count and audience demographics.
16. Software & Game Reviews: Sell Your Testing Abilities (Part 1)
Getting paid to test new video games and consoles sounds like a dream come true for gamers. But video game testing is a job like any other. It requires significant time and energy commitments. It’s not something you can do with a few spare minutes or with less than your undivided attention.
To get started as a game tester, sign up with a reputable network such as Keywords Studio, whose Global Beta Test Network (GBTN) helps game developers push their products to the limit and ensure they go to market with as few bugs as possible. GBTN’s tests typically involve dozens to hundreds of testers around the world running simultaneous tests on different aspects of clients’ games. Most tests are time-limited, project-based affairs. Pay varies but typically ranges from $20 to $50 per hour. Diligent, skilled testers who work part-time can earn $10,000 to $20,000 per year; testers who work at or near full time can easily exceed $50,000 per year.
Successful game testers have certain capabilities and personality traits in common:
- A Professional-Grade Gaming Setup。 If you’re an avid gamer, you probably have this covered. If not, the cost of upgrading your setup in the hopes you’ll be hired as a tester could be prohibitive.
- Unwavering Attention to Detail。 Video game testing isn’t like regular gameplay. The whole point is to prod for any bugs and defects that could potentially impact play, no matter how small or unlikely. Your eyes must be peeled for any deviance from expected results.
- Flexible Schedules With Long Blocks of Uninterrupted Time。 Simultaneous game tests typically occur at the client’s convenience. If your game’s developer is based overseas, that could mean testing in the middle of the night. For night owls, that’s not a big deal, but 9-to-5ers may struggle. Also, tests typically take several hours, so this isn’t something you can do for 20 minutes at a time and move on.
17. Website and Product Testing: Sell Your Testing Abilities (Part 2)
Websites and products need testing too. Here’s what to know about each type of gig.
Website Testing
If you’re not much of a gamer, or you can’t spare the long blocks of time and unwavering attention required of professional game testers, consider signing up with UserTesting to try out new websites and mobile apps.
UserTesting’s website testing gigs do require focus and rigor, but they’re far shorter and don’t need to happen simultaneously, making them much easier to fit into your schedule. They don’t pay quite as well as game testing, though. If you’re diligent, you can reliably earn $20 per hour, though the overall work volume is sometimes thin. You need a decent, relatively new computer or smartphone to complete tests.
Product Testing
If you prefer hands-on testing, consider signing up to test products with Toluna, a leading market research firm. You’ll have the opportunity to try real product prototypes and beta versions before they’re released to the general public, and your feedback could meaningfully influence their development.
18. Cash Back & Coupons: Earn When You Shop
Cash back isn’t technically income because you need to buy something to earn it. It’s more like a discount. But when you earn it for purchases you’d make anyway, it’s a great way to make a little extra money.
The most common way to earn cash back on purchases is with a cash-back credit card。 But while a credit card is a great tool for building credit, there are many legitimate arguments against using one. If your spotty credit or personal preferences preclude you from applying for a credit card, don’t sweat it. You have plenty of other opportunities to earn cash back on purchases made in the comfort of your own home. Look into these options:
- Wikibuy。 Wikibuy is a browser extension that helps folks find a lower price on thousands of products when shopping online. Use it whenever you need to buy something without leaving the house.
- Rakuten。 Rakuten (formerly Ebates) is a wildly popular coupon site that offers multiple ways to save online. Cash back accrues immediately, so there’s no need to go through an extra redemption process. You can choose from thousands of partner merchants.
- TopCashback。 TopCashback leverages affiliate arrangements with thousands of merchants to deliver a slew of instant discount and cash-back opportunities for U.S.-based shoppers. There’s some friction involved, as you need to click through to specific offers from TopCashback’s website, but the depth of the savings makes this extra step worthwhile.
- Piggy。 Piggy is an intelligent coupon plug-in that works in the background as you browse and automatically serves you with the most relevant, up-to-date coupons on your favorite shopping websites. With over thousands of merchants in the network, virtually every major brand is here. Savings opportunities range up to 70%.
- Qmee。 As a low-friction plug-in, Qmee gives you the option to act on or ignore shopping discount offers. You can cash out in virtually any amount, so it’s worth using even if you’re only a sporadic online shopper.
- Giving Assistant。 Giving Assistant puts a charitable spin on online shopping discounts. Functionally, it’s similar to Qmee and Piggy, but users have the option to donate their earnings to their favorite charities. Of course, those who prefer to pocket their cash still can. You can reliably earn 5% cash back with Giving Assistant and more at select merchants.
19. Translation: Sell Your Language Skills
Translation software is getting better all the time, and translator jobs are widely considered vulnerable to automation and artificial intelligence。 However, there’s still a lively market for translators, particularly those with above-average wordsmithing skills or fluency in obscure languages.
You can find plenty of translation jobs on general freelance platforms like Upwork, but the quality of opportunities on nonspecialized platforms tends to be uneven. Earning potential also varies widely. Entry-level, nonspecialized translation work often pays less than $10 per hour, while highly technical jobs can pay more than $50 per hour. Generally speaking, you’ll earn more as you gain experience, improve your fluency, and attain vertical-specific credentials.
To maximize your earning potential as an online translator, sign up with as many of the following as possible:
- Gengo。 Gengo is a beginner-friendly platform that covers a range of subjects and project types. Pay tends to be on the low side, but payment is frequent and predictable – it comes via PayPal twice per month. Experienced and prolific translators can become Senior Translators, who command higher pay rates and are responsible for evaluating and editing entry-level translators’ work.
- ProTranslating。 ProTranslating is a boutique agency with a sophisticated digital presence and an in-house marketing apparatus that adds value to its core services: translation and transcreation (the science of adapting prose into a second language without altering its meaning). ProTranslating focuses on expert-level content at the upper end of the market, so if you’re a professional translator with verifiable subject matter expertise, you can do very well. Beginners may want to start with Gengo or another entry-level platform before applying here.
- One Hour Translation。 One Hour Translation is a bulk translation service that’s great for entry-level translators. It pays by the word, with hourly rates working out to $10 to $20, depending on skill and speed. It’s a good option for beginners, and there’s ample room for advancement through the site’s elaborate hierarchy.
- Unbabel。 Unbabel is another entry-level option. Billed as an originator of “trustworthy large-scale translations,” it pays as little as $8 per hour, but the work is more plentiful and steady than on some competing platforms. If nothing else, it’s a good place to start.
20. Online Boutiques: Sell Your Crafts
The sky’s the limit for at-home crafters. Running a successful at-home crafts business no longer means schlepping your wares to flea markets every weekend or begging for space at your local art gallery. All you need is a reliable Internet connection, a decent camera, and a modest startup fund.
Legitimate places to sell your creations online include:
- Etsy。 Selling on Etsy is a fantastic way to monetize your crafting hobby. And with a transaction fee of just 3.5%, it’s a lot cheaper than popular alternatives such as eBay and Amazon.
- E-Commerce Portals。 The best way to improve your at-home crafts business’s visibility and credibility is to launch your own website. And the best way to monetize that website is with a turnkey e-commerce portal. Shopify is a relatively cost-effective, feature-rich option for serious sellers – you can build and maintain a decent store for $15 to $20 per month. Volusion and Squarespace are worthy, comparably priced competitors.
- Niche Websites。 Depending on what you’re selling, niche websites could be cheaper and more effective than Etsy and onsite e-commerce portals. Check out Handmade Artists, which costs $50 per year and is for handmade goods only, and Zibbet, which costs $5 and up per month and has a handy feature that seamlessly transfers Etsy listing content.
21. Technical Support: Sell Your Troubleshooting Skills
Do you like chatting with people? Do you have above-average technical or troubleshooting skills or the willingness to learn?
If so, you could make a good technical support rep. While many customer service and technical support reps still work in centralized call centers, at-home workers have plenty of opportunities.
At Home Advisors
One of the biggest and best-known at-home tech support employers is Apple, whose At Home Advisor program employs thousands of people at competitive, experience-based salaries. At Home Advisors are part- or full-time employees, not independent contractors, so there’s a measure of security here that’s often missing from work-at-home gigs. The benefits package, including Apple stock, is pretty nice too, and every At Home Advisor gets a free iMac.
The downside is that the hiring process is highly competitive, so you’ll likely need to demonstrate prior experience or make a great impression on the hiring manager. If you’re hired, you’ll need to complete a paid training course that lasts five to seven weeks. And you’ll need to spring for a legit home office, which Apple describes as “a quiet, distraction-free room with a door that can close to keep out ambient noise … a desk, an ergonomic chair, and your own high-speed Internet connection from a reliable provider that meets the minimum requirements of 5 megabits per second download and 1 megabit per second upload.”
Things to Remember
Before looking for at-home tech support jobs, keep a few things in mind:
- Spotting Scams。 Lots of at-home voice work is legitimate, but there are plenty of scam artists too. Don’t invest any money upfront without thoroughly checking your prospective employer’s credentials. Start with the Better Business Bureau and cross-reference with first-person testimonials at watchdog sites such as Ripoff Report and career boards such as Indeed。
- Demands on Your Time and Personality。 Tech support is a 24/7 business. You’ll likely have some freedom to set your schedule, but you’re virtually assured to have some work shifts that don’t jibe with your lifestyle. You’ll also likely be responsible for some holiday and weekend coverage, though how much varies by employer. Finally, you’ll need to be “on” and personable at all times. If you don’t think you’re capable of maintaining a sunny disposition as you near the end of an eight-hour shift, this might not be the job for you.
- Opportunities for Advancement。 Entry-level tech support work usually pays between $10 and $20 per hour, though blue-chip employers like Apple can afford higher wages. If you’d like to do this work long-term, look for gigs that offer opportunities for advancement into the ranks of lower and middle management – preferably without an attendant shift to on-site employment.
22. Remote Call Centers: Sell Your Voice
Not confident in your technical support skills or not sure you meet Apple’s stringent standards? If you’re a friendly, persuasive talker, you’ll find plenty of opportunities with remote call center operators.
Though they vary somewhat from company to company, remote call center operators’ technical and equipment requirements are comparable to remote customer support companies’. You need a headset, a fast Internet connection, an above-average desktop or laptop computer, and any proprietary software necessary to do your job.
Remote call center opportunities are more varied than remote technical support gigs. Many call center companies serve as outside sales contractors for companies without internal sales teams of their own. As an at-home operator, you work as an independent contractor charged with selling on the client’s behalf. If you’re personable, persuasive, and believe in what you’re selling, there’s real money to be made in this niche. However, since independent sales agents are usually commission-based, you may struggle to earn a respectable keep if you’re not a born salesperson.
Other common opportunities include insurance claims processing, roadside assistance routing, and customer assistance for health care consumers. LiveOps packages all of these functions, plus a healthy dose of inbound sales, under a single roof. Keep in mind that there’s a modest startup cost – less than $100 – involved, and you’re not compensated for training. So LiveOps isn’t suitable for at-home workers who need cash immediately.
23. Virtual Assistant Services: Sell Your Organizational Skills
Busy professionals and small-business owners often lack the resources or office space to employ an on-site assistant. Many choose to hire virtual assistants (VAs) on a part-time or contract basis, getting all the benefits of a trusty assistant while saving the expense and regulatory headaches of a full-time employee.
Virtual assistant duties typically include:
- Screening calls, taking and responding to messages, and directing important information to the client
- Accepting, deflecting, and scheduling requests for the client’s time and attention and maintaining up-to-date calendars
- Basic clerical and organizational tasks
- Compiling and running reports
- Managing, scheduling, and producing content for social media, email marketing, and websites
- Managing e-commerce operations, including fulfillment
Necessary or recommended equipment includes:
- A comfortable desk and workspace
- A standardized and scalable electronic organization system
- A fast Internet connection
- A reliable telephone setup (either a landline or a cloud-based business phone system), preferably with a headset
- A secure means of invoicing and receiving payment, such as FreshBooks or PayPal
- A secure email suite
- Anti-malware protection
- A virtual private network (VPN) from NordVPN, especially if anonymity is a consideration or you’re working with clients outside your home country
- Permissions and passwords for the principal accounts to which you’re allowed access, such as email and invoicing software
Virtual assistants can work as little as a few hours per week, per client, either in a single block of time or spread evenly throughout. Work is plentiful, so it’s not hard to string together multiple gigs and create a full- or near-full-time job.
The virtual assistant workforce is global, which means two things. First, if you’re in the U.S. or another high-cost country, you’ll likely be undercut by English- and Spanish-speaking professionals in cheaper markets. Second, you’ll need to either stick to clients in or near your time zone or be willing to work odd hours. A reasonable starting wage for North America-based VAs is $10 to $20 per hour, but competent VAs command much higher rates.
Start looking for virtual assistant gigs on general-purpose freelance platforms such as Upwork and Freelancer, but consider launching your own website.
Pro tip: If you’re unsure how to get started, there are online courses available that can provide you with all the information you’ll need.
24. Online Videos & TV: Sell Your Viewing Time
If you’re an avid consumer of online videos, TV programs, or both, you can turn your habit into a legitimate source of side income.
Some opportunities pay better and more reliably than others. Netflix reportedly pays “taggers,” who watch and categorize Netflix shows, at least $10 per hour. Individual shows or production companies occasionally advertise for similar positions, though these opportunities are becoming fewer and farther between. Competition is stiff when positions do open up.
Other opportunities are easier to get but not nearly as lucrative. Many market research companies have video-watching verticals through which participants can earn points for each view. Swagbucks and InboxDollars are two legitimate options. You can earn points with them, which you can redeem for gift cards and occasionally cash. The hourly rates working out to less than minimum wage in most cases but aren’t bad for a few spare minutes of your time here and there.
25. Tailoring: Sell Your Fashion Skills
Tailoring isn’t exactly a fast track to riches, but it can serve as a valuable source of side income or even a full-fledged cottage industry sufficient to support a two-income family. According to the BLS, the average annual salary for tailors, dressmakers, and custom sewers is about $31,000. That works out to about $14 per hour.
The most common at-home sewing pursuit is clothing alterations, a high-volume niche that’s always in demand. However, depending on your skills and interests, you can pour yourself into a slew of other opportunities: making custom curtains and draperies, repairing heirloom bedclothes and tapestries, assembling and repairing durable fabrics such as canvas bags and totes, or producing large-scale items such as boat covers.
Before you launch an at-home alteration or custom sewing business, consider the following:
- Your Skills。 This is a detail-oriented pursuit that requires patience and skill. You need to have above-average sewing skills, and confidence in those skills, to make your mark. Experience is strongly preferred as well.
- Advertising and Promotion。 You won’t have a huge budget to promote your at-home business, so use cost-effective outreach targeted to your most likely customers, such as fliers in local craft and clothing stores, a basic website (preferably with booking and payment portals), a referral network, and friends and family willing to sing your praises. Also, consider joining the American Sewing Guild for $50 per year. It’s a great way to meet other enthusiasts and get your name out there.
- Equipment Costs and Space。 At a minimum, you’ll need a work table, a sewing machine, a rack, and storage space for raw materials. You can find a cheap but sturdy table for less than $20, and maybe for free if you’re fortunate. Used sewing machines start at under $50, but that won’t cut it for a real at-home custom sewing business. You’ll need a heavy-duty piece of equipment, preferably new. Expect to pay $2,000 or more for this. Consider financing with a low-APR credit card if your creditworthiness allows.
- Legalities。 Confirm with local authorities that your neighborhood is zoned to allow at-home businesses. If it’s not, look into applying for a variance or otherwise coming into compliance. Even if this costs something upfront, it’s better than risking a fine or a cease-and-desist order down the road.
26. Medical Transcription: Sell Your Attention to Detail
If you’re a fast, accurate typist, you can earn significant sums as a medical transcriptionist by transcribing physicians’ spoken notes into legible, accurate text.
Medical transcription is semi-skilled work. While you don’t have to be a doctor or nurse, you do need to complete an intensive training course that can last a year or more and cost several thousand dollars. During periods of increased demand, some employers may be willing to finance your training course, or at least partially or fully reimburse you after the fact. Once you’re employed, you can expect to earn about $16 per hour on average, according to PayScale。
To boost your attractiveness to employers, consider working as an on-site scribe at your local hospital or clinic. Though they pay less, most such jobs require less prior experience than full-fledged transcription jobs.
The upshot: Like reputable tech support jobs, legitimate medical transcription gigs usually don’t require much upfront investment, save for high-speed Internet and a cell or landline phone. Legitimate employers provide any software necessary to complete your duties, and some may even provide or finance the purchase of a business laptop or desktop.
27. Freelance Consulting: Sell Your Professional Acumen
At-home consulting is a great way for new parents who’ve scaled back their hours or sidelined their careers to keep their skills sharp and their names out there. It’s also a great side gig for professionals who’ve grown stifled in their current roles but don’t yet have the confidence or client base to quit their 9-to-5s and strike out on their own. With time, a consulting side business can easily turn into a full-time job, with all the freedom that entails.
Launching an at-home consulting business means getting comfortable with the idea of marketing yourself. Start by modifying your LinkedIn profile to emphasize your consulting services and relevant professional experience. Set up a website that describes your consulting work in more detail and features testimonials from former colleagues and clients. And create a blog that plays up your expertise.
28. P2P Lending: Put Your Excess Capital to Work (Part 1)
The sharing economy has created new opportunities for regular people to put their excess capital to work. Person-to-person (P2P) lending platforms such as LendingClub and Prosper are reputable outlets for nonaccredited individuals seeking above-average returns on investment – anywhere from 4% to more than 10% annually, after accounting for nonperforming loans and the platforms’ service charges.
A word of warning: Unlike high-yield savings accounts and CDs, P2P loans are not FDIC-insured or SIPC-protected。 That means they present the very real risk of loss of principal. Don’t lend any funds you can’t afford to lose, and thoroughly read platforms’ prospectuses and disclaimers before participating.
29. Investing: Put Your Excess Capital to Work (Part 2)
Certain types of securities accounts are SIPC-protected, though investing in stocks, mutual funds, and ETFs isn’t without risk. While you should never invest money that you can’t afford to lose, putting your excess capital to work in the market is a great way to beat persistently low savings account interest rates.
Get started by checking out our roundup of the best brokerage account promotions – Robinhood’s free stock offer is particularly compelling right now.
30. Storage Space Leasing: Turn Your Extra Space Into a Storage Unit
Do you have an under-utilized garage, shed, basement, or attic? Are you willing to clean it up? Then you’re a good fit for Neighbor.com, a P2P platform that connects folks who need extra storage space with those who have it in spades (and aren’t using it themselves).
Neighbor.com advertises rental rates at 50% of the going rate for self-storage units, though you’ll earn a bit less than that after the platform takes its cut. Still, that’s quite a bit of passive income for doing basically nothing at all.
31. Website Flipping: Buy, Fix, & Sell Undervalued Websites & Domains
Flipping a website is a lot like building and monetizing a personal blog. The key difference is that when you flip, you’re working toward the clearly defined short-term goal of selling the site for a tidy profit. You can and should earn money through advertising and affiliate relationships along the way, but you’re not looking to hold the site over the long term.
Every website flip carries its own unique caveats and considerations. For starters, there are two main types of website flips:
- Buying an unbuilt domain and creating your own website from scratch
- Buying an existing website and increasing its revenue potential
In roughly chronological order, the typical website flip involves these steps:
- Find Your Niche and Set Goals。 Start by choosing a strong niche for your website. It should be a subject with which you’re personally familiar. Identify and research potential competitors’ content strategies, traffic figures, and monetization efforts. Next, set basic goals and parameters for your flip, including length, traffic target, revenue target, and target sale price.
- Buy and Host Your Domain。 Your domain name should be catchy and relevant to your niche. It should also roll off the tongue and sound as similar as possible to your site’s actual name. If the domain isn’t yet registered, you can probably find it on GoDaddy or a comparable domain warehouse for less than $15 per year. Already-registered domains can cost hundreds or thousands of dollars, depending on the quality of the name. Already-built sites can cost tens or hundreds of thousands of dollars, depending on traffic, revenue, and other factors. High-performing domains are out of reach for low-budget flippers.
- Select a Template and Begin Creating Content。 Deploy an agile WordPress template – which shouldn’t cost more than $99 per year – and begin populating your site with written, visual, and video content. To cut costs, you can produce some or all of this content yourself at first. But that’s likely to get too time-consuming as your attention shifts to monetizing, marketing, and selling your site. Look for high-quality, low-cost freelancers on platforms such as Upwork, Freelancer, and 99designs。 If your budget is higher, you can hire or contract with staff writers, editors, and multimedia producers directly.
- Start Monetizing。 Once your content pipeline is turned up, start monetizing. Get a Google AdSense account to populate your site with revenue-producing ads cost-effectively. Explore affiliate relationships with merchants in your niche. Team up with other publishers, marketers, and brands to run sponsored (paid) content on your site.
- Drive Traffic。 The more traffic your site receives, the more revenue it produces and the more valuable it becomes to prospective buyers. Your traffic-driving strategy will depend on a host of factors, including your budget and target audience. But it’s likely to involve some combination of organic SEO, paid search ads, content partnerships, pay per click (PPC) advertising, and social media marketing.
- Begin the Sales Process。 As you approach your traffic and revenue targets, start planning your exit. The Internet chock-full of website brokers, from flipper-oriented platforms like Flippa to higher-end agencies like FE International。
- Finalize the Sale and Repeat。 The website-selling process all too often serves as a rude awakening for site owners who think their domains are worth far more than what the market will bear. If you’re not getting any acceptable offers, head back to the drawing board and figure out what you need to do to make your site more attractive to prospective buyers. Once you get offers that meet or exceed your target selling price, it’s just a matter of accepting the best one, transferring the domain, and funneling the profits into your next flip.
Keep in mind that this is a very rough guide. Every flip is different, and your experience depends to a great degree on factors like your site’s niche and your goals. Plus, it takes a lot of hard work – not to mention a substantial amount of time – to pull off a successful flip.
32. Lodging: Rent Out Space in Your Home
Are you maximizing your home’s income potential? If you have an empty spare bedroom, mother-in-law suite, or duplex unit on the premises, the answer is likely no.
You don’t have to find a long-term tenant to earn income from your home’s unused square footage。 Apps like Airbnb, Vrbo, and HomeAway let you rent out your home to business and leisure travelers on a nightly or weekly basis. Depending on prevailing rents in your local market and your space’s size, amenities, and privacy, you could earn anywhere from $40 or $50 to $500 or more per night.
Short-term rental platforms handle most of the thorny logistical considerations that keep regular homeowners from becoming landlords, including payment processing and security deposits. And after a string of highly public mishaps in their first few years, they’re increasingly safety-conscious, so the likelihood is high you’ll be able to verify the identity of every person who crashes at your place.
Not every home is rental-ready, of course. Before listing your place on sites like Airbnb and Vrbo, consider:
- Stranger Danger。 Most importantly, you need to determine whether you and your family members are comfortable with welcoming strangers into your home. If you have a second unit with a separate entrance, this is less of a sticking point, but it still begs careful consideration.
- Local Regulations。 Municipal governments are increasingly amenable to short-term rentals, but holdouts remain. Surprisingly, tourist towns are sometimes the most vehemently opposed. Keep abreast of regulations in your area. And if your city does allow short-term rentals, make sure you pay all applicable local and state hospitality taxes.
- Pets。 Dogs and cats complicate short-term rental arrangements. It’s hard to give a visitor free reign over your place when you’re worried about them inadvertently letting Fido or Fluffy out when they come home in the middle of the night. At a minimum, you should disclose the fact that you have pets, lest an allergic tenant leaves a toxic review on your otherwise pristine online listing.
- Cleaning and Damage。 Online rental platforms let you charge cleaning fees so that you aren’t financially on the hook for the full cost of a post-tenant professional cleaning. Most cover the cost of renter-caused damage too, provided you properly document and report it. But financial redress only goes so far. You still have to deal with the inevitable investment of time and energy to fix the damage or clean up the mess.
- Hands-On Hosting。 While you don’t have to serve as your visitors’ personal tour guide, you do have to be reachable and willing to help if a problem arises. If you’re not willing to drop what you’re doing – or at least pick up your phone – to help a tenant in need, short-term rental hosting might not be your best bet for at-home income.
33. Car Rentals: Rent Out Your Car
Don’t have a spare bedroom or second unit to rent out on a nightly basis? If you have a personal vehicle, you can rent it out to travelers and people who don’t own their own cars – without getting behind the wheel or even leaving your house.
Car rental apps abound. Before you choose one, read the fine print and make sure it has adequate liability insurance that protects you in the event of a serious accident involving injuries and property damage. Getaround has a good reputation and a relatively long track record. According to its website, car owners in high-demand cities such as San Francisco can earn up to $10,000 per year. That’s a pretty impressive passive income stream. Another option to consider is Turo。
34. Parking Spot Rentals: Rent Out Your Driveway or Street Slot
Another vehicle-related passive income opportunity is your home’s parking space. In crowded cities like Chicago and Boston, parking spaces are valuable commodities. If you’re fortunate enough to own or have guaranteed access to an on- or off-street parking space, you can earn money by renting it out to folks visiting or passing through your neighborhood.
Check out SPOT, an increasingly popular app that connects drivers and parking spot owners in the same way Airbnb connects travelers and homeowners. SPOT won’t make you rich overnight, but it could help you earn a few hundred bucks per month on an in-demand parking spot. Neighbor.com has a parking space rental feature too.
35. Meal Sharing: Sell Your Cooking Skills
Once upon a time, being a professional-grade cook meant squat without startup capital to open a restaurant or launch a food truck business。
Not anymore. Today, you can run a small-scale eatery – and earn a tidy profit in the process – without leaving your home. The secret: a rapidly multiplying cohort of meal-sharing startups that connect budding chefs with hungry diners willing to shell out money for authentic, restaurant-quality home cooking.
But first, a caveat: Meal sharing platforms operate in a legal gray area。 The food service industry is heavily regulated, and many jurisdictions make it all but impossible for home cooks to profit from their passions. At a minimum, you need to make sure you comply with all local health department directives and obtain all applicable licenses before you begin inviting diners into your home.
It’s also worth noting that meal sharing involves hosting strangers for dinner, which can be an even more intimate prospect than allowing them to sleep in your home while you’re away. Every app takes pains to protect host and diner safety, but if you’re reticent to invite people you’ve never met into your home, you may want to think twice.
If you’re comfortable having strangers in your home and confident you’re on the right side of the law, check out these popular meal sharing options. Depending on your platform choice, guest capacity, and local market, you can expect to rake in anywhere from $50 to several hundred dollars per meal after accounting for expenses. Hosting opportunities are more plentiful in major cities.
- Meal Sharing。 The appropriately named Meal Sharing operates in over 150 countries. There are very few restrictions on what you can cook, and you’re free to set your own prices to ensure a full table – though you’ll want to charge enough to cover your costs and have something left over for yourself.
- ChefsFeed。 ChefsFeed is geared toward aspiring and semi-established chefs. Many cooks use it to supplement income earned at real restaurants or food trucks or to break into extremely competitive culinary scenes in places like New York City and San Francisco.
- Eatwith。 Eatwith, a European startup, stresses the communal aspect of meal sharing. The vetting process for new chefs is pretty rigorous, but there’s plenty of room for talented cooks to break in.
- Plate Culture。 Plate Culture is a low-cost app that plays up the “secret social” aspect of meal sharing (think old-timey speakeasies).
36. Tech Work: Invest in Your Future
Contrary to popular belief, not all high-paying jobs that don’t require a college degree are dangerous or grueling. Some can be done from the comfort of your home office, with nothing more than a fast Internet connection and a high-end laptop.
And the right skills, of course. Increase your earning potential in fields like UI/UX and data analytics – where full-time salaries for entry-level jobs easily exceed $50,000 per year – with a bootcamp from Springboard, a leading course provider for tech certifications.
Though Springboard isn’t free, it does offer a fallback: If you don’t land a job after actively searching for six months following your graduation, Springboard will refund your course fees. That’s not a bad deal for an investment that could literally alter the course of your career.
Codecademy’s money-back guarantee isn’t as generous, but its course database is far more expansive than Springboard’s. If you’re not sure where to start, take the quiz to learn how your existing skills fit into the wide (and often confusing) world of programming.
Final Word
Many of these work-at-home opportunities involve either passive income or spare-time endeavors that aren’t likely to turn into full-time pursuits. But some, such as freelance writing and editing, are readily scalable.
If you’re willing to pound the pavement in search of paying clients and can follow productivity tips for home workers, there’s nothing stopping you from turning your at-home passion project into a full-fledged career.
What’s your favorite way to make money from home? What do you like most about it?
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